The Academy Award winning song from the movie Frozen is looping through my consciousness today. While its singer Idina Menzel is one of my favorites I never saw the movie nor do I have a recording of the song Let It Go. And yet it is informing my inner environment today, and so I embrace that it is in some way a message meant for me.
Or is it?
To think in terms of trying to let something go indeed freezes me. It just isn’t a helpful admonition for me personally. It invokes a bit of the dear-in-headlights dynamic. Whenever my mind goes to the concept of letting go I immediately feel an increased level of stress regarding whatever the current stimulus is. Seeking to let something go is like tightening a vice grip while also turning up the resistance. For me letting go is yet another control device in an over packed psychic tool bag.
As I type these words I hear the faint serenade of Idina in the background of my awareness. “Let it go, let it go: can’t hold it back anymore…”
While letting go often feels futile for me I can most certainly let it be. I can bring an allowing and compassionate attention to what is before me. I can feel into the impulse of wanting to push away what is not preferred. I can choose to stay with that impulse, doing nothing to engage it. I can breathe into the resistance, allowing the energy to be and so to expand and soften. I can let go of the grip for sure, and I can let be the subsequent freeing relationship.
When I truly choose to let be a grace-filled activity always begins to move gently within me. I surrender the notion that I know what needs to be let go. I surrender the illusion that I am ever in control. As I surrender in faith I can let everything and anything simply be as it is. And the result is always peace. The result is always freedom. The result is always ease.
And so today I let it go by simply letting it be. I let go the idea that of myself I know what is best for me or anyone around me. I let go the concept that I know what I really even need to let go of. I let go of trying to let it go.
In letting be a whole new level of Power is revealed. And it is that Power that I will not hold back anymore.
I am letting be in peace, in calm, in faith. It thaws the frozen places of resistance, and I am grateful. And I think Idina just might agree.