Virtual Lunch Bunch via Zoom

Grab your lunch and your computer and join Reverend Taylor and a few friends for conversation as we break bread together virtually. Call the office 561.833.6483 or email Dianne at for the Zoom Meeting code.

Bible Overview : The Hebrew Scriptures

Zoom - Online Meeting App

The Hebrew Scriptures (known as the Old Testament) are a collection of fascinating and sometimes confounding stories, poetry, wisdom sayings and inspired visions. Depending on our familiarity and level of understanding, they can be a source of conflict, confusion, or comfort. Curious? Join Trish for a deep dive into the history and development of these scriptures; from the time they were written in to who they were written by ~ then ultimately explore how these scriptures can present the story of the evolution of the consciousness of humankind. Participants will need a copy of the book Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally by Marcus J. Borg. We will also be referring to the Bible (NRSV Version). If you

A Course in Miracles

Zoom - Online Meeting App

Join this study group to read and discuss the lessons found in A Course in Miracles. The group will be offered at the usual time through Zoom Meetings until we can meet in person. Love Offering Contact Dianne in the office for details on how to access the Zoom meeting. Email Dianne: Office Phone:  (561) 833-6483

Virtual Social Hall

Zoom - Online Meeting App

VIRTUAL SOCIAL HALL After Sunday's Service at 12:15 PM Would you like to connect with your Unity Family in the "Social Hall" after the Sunday Service? Grab your snack and join us in a Virtual Social Hall on Zoom! This is a great opportunity to connect with your Unity family. Come and join the conversation. Contact Dianne in the office for details on how to access the Zoom meeting. Email Dianne: Office Phone:  (561) 833-6483

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