We acknowledge that prayer is how we align with and affirm the absolute Truths of what God is. We pray not to change outer conditions rather we pray to change consciousness and so to change ourselves. We allow for a shift in our thoughts, feelings and attitudes thus deeply knowing our connection within the spirit of God.
Prayer is most powerful when it is shared. Unity of the Palm Beaches strives to share prayer with as many people as possible. With this in mind we have assembled this Prayer Library.
As you read these prayers we encourage you to take a moment to drop down out of your mind and into your heart space. It is from this space where we are able to realize the true power of prayer.
We hope these prayers help you to realize the true nature of yourself and of this world: You are a spiritual being in a spiritual universe.
There is One Presence,
One Power, One Wisdom, One Creator
One God of Many Names:
All Peace, All Joy, All Life, All Light, All Love
This One Presencing Power is
Alive and Active in Me Now!
Whatever God is, I Am
Wherever I am, God Is
Because God Is, I am
And So It Is
The Light of God surrounds me
I AM the light of God
The Love of God enfolds me
I Am the Love of God
The Power of God protects me
I AM the Power of God
The Presence of God watches over me
I AM the Presence of God
Wherever I AM, God IS
and All is Well
Requests are held in prayer for 30 days and then sent to Silent Unity at Unity Village for an additional 30 days of prayer.
How may we pray with you? Please complete the following form.
Your prayer request has been sent.
You may use the Prayer Request form above or email your request directly to our local Prayer Chaplain team at HighWatch@UnityPalmBeach.com
What is a Prayer Chaplain? A Unity Prayer Chaplain is:
A Prayer Chaplain completes an intensive training and makes the commitment to serve our community for one year. “Being” a Prayer Chaplain is transformative soul work that deepens one’s spiritual path through prayer and service.
If you want someone to pray with you right now, you may call Silent Unity at 1-800-NOW -PRAY (1-800-669-7729), where prayer partners are available for you 24/7. Additional prayer resources are available at unity.org/prayer.
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