One of our foundational principles in Unity tells us that as expressions and extensions of an all-providing and loving God, we are created to live a life in which all our needs are met easily and completely.
In order to experience this reality, we are invited to consciously utilize the Universal Law of giving and receiving. “As we give, so shall we receive.” It is a simple and exacting Law. When we fail to give or when we give fearfully, we are inadvertently blocking the flow of good in our lives by misusing the very Law that could just as easily prosper us.
If you feel that you are being served by Unity, we invite you to serve Unity by including your spiritual home in your giving.
Of this, we are certain—your gifts to this spiritual community will return to you many fold. You will join us in discovering that it is impossible to out give God because you can only give within the Law that IS God! Prosperity will rush into your life as you learn to become a perpetual giver and a grateful receiver.
You can make donations in several ways:
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